What can I do to make sure I am utilizing AllyDVM to its full potential?

What can I do to make sure I am utilizing AllyDVM to its full potential?

You can request an account review with your Practice Success Manager or Onboarding Specialist at any time by reaching out to support@allydvm.com. We would be happy to get you set up with an appointment to review your account at a time that works best for you. A few things you will review in this appointment would be your Retention Calendar and your Communications
Things we recommend right away would be utilizing your Retention Calendar further and watching the progress on your Retention Calendar stats report.
If your staff is not using the Retention Calendar to its full potential, we can get you and your staff set up with another Retention Calendar training, just as a refresher for your staff to get motivated and utilize all aspects of the Retention Calendar.

 *For practices within a corporate group, please follow your group's support instructions.