We are switching practice management systems, what do we do next?

We are switching practice management systems, what do we do next?

If your new practice management software (PMS) is server-based, you must schedule an install appointment. Please schedule your AllyDVM install appointment at least one day after your new practice management software is installed in your practice. You can schedule an install appointment at a time that works best for you hereIf you are part of a corporate group and do not have access to your server, please email support@allydvm.com instead of scheduling an appointment. 

If your new practice management software is Cloud-Based, an install appointment is not necessary. Please email support@allydvm.com for further instructions.  

Once we have installed your new PMS and synced for the first time, you must schedule a Communications Orientation and Setup appointment with your Practice Success Managers or Onboarding Specialists. This step is very important because you are being set up with a new AllyConnect account. During the call, they will transfer your old communications to your new account and ensure they are still filtered properly.  Please contact support@allydvm.com for a scheduling link! 

 *For practices within a corporate group, please follow your group's support instructions.​