Lapsing Patients

Lapsing Patients

The report defaults to Lapsing Patients which shows any patient that had an appointment that has not returned in the last 16-18 months.                                                                                                                  

Key Points: 
  1. The other Quick Report option is to see Lapsed Patients, patients who have not had an appointment in the last 18-30 months. 
  2. The last appointment date is listed on the far left, and reminders due (pawprint) are on the far right. 
  3. You are able to click on the Client or Patient name within the report and bring up their profile. 
  4. You also have the Direct Message option to text/email clients directly from the report.
  5. This also has a display option for the report so that you can get as specific as you would like with the information showing. 
  6. The report can be downloaded as a CSV and printed.