Loyalty Program
Reward Ideas
The majority of practices actively using the Loyalty Program have set the value of 1 coin at $100 and they allow the coins to aggregate over multiple invoices rather than requiring a single invoice to meet the coin award requirement. For those that ...
Marking a reward fulfilled
Manual Adjustment: Search for the client in the Clients Menu Section or click on their name on the Retention Calendar. Click on the Loyalty Program tab on the right-hand side of the Client Details Page or scroll down to it. Click the "Adjust Balance" ...
Overview of the Loyalty Program administration and set-up
Click on the “Loyalty Program” tab from the navigation panel, then choose the Loyalty Program Settings option. Follow the steps below to begin your setup: Choose your start date by clicking the “Start Loyalty Program” button and then the calendar ...
What is the Automated Loyalty Program?
The Loyalty Program is a rewards/retention program or a membership program. If you choose to use this as your rewards/retention program, clients are automatically enrolled in the program, and they will be able to earn Care Coins after certain invoice ...