What is the Automated Loyalty Program?
The Loyalty Program is a rewards/retention program or a membership program. If you choose to use this as your rewards/retention program, clients are automatically enrolled in the program, and they will be able to earn Care Coins after certain invoice items are posted based on how the practice administrator sets the program up. Clients can then redeem the Care Coins for rewards that were, again, set up by the practice administrator. If used as an optional membership, you will have to manually enroll clients, and then coins will be added automatically after an invoice is posted.
Your practice administrator controls the exchange rate (how much money must be spent before a loyalty coin is earned). They are also in control of the rewards, which can be anything. It could be free services after so many coins are rewarded, or discounts off services after so many coins are rewarded. Your administrator can also choose what goods/services qualify for the loyalty rewards. The Loyalty Program is an upgrade feature which may be inactive on your platform.