Telehealth FAQ

Telehealth FAQ

How long before and after an appointment is the appointment room (telehealth URL) available for? 

Appointment rooms are available 12 hours before and after the appointment.
Can I link an on demand call to a client after the call?
Yes, a non Appointment / Non Client video chats can be linked to a client after the video chat has been completed, if the client is added into the system.

What happens if I accidently navigate off the video chat page during a call?
Not to worry! We will notify you when you attempt to navigate away. 

What happens when the telehealth call is completed? 

On the Telehealth page: 

  • The video chat link is accessible within 12 hours of the appointment, after this time the Join Room and External Video Chat Link will be removed from the appointment in the History tab.

  • At the end of the day, the appointment moves from the Today’s Appointments tab to the Video Chat History tab.

Is there a camera flip feature for the client?

Yes! The client can flip the camera using the camera flip icon (
) within the video chat.

On the Client/Patient Profile:

  1. The appointment appears in the Video Chat History section once the call is started.