Practice DVM revenue

Practice DVM revenue

DVM Revenue Table:
  1. The top table shows DVM Revenue, Patient Visits, Patient #, Cats, Dogs, $/Patient, $/Invoice, Invoice Count, and $ Share for each DVM. You can click on the number in the table for a breakdown.
Overview of the DVM/Staff Revenue column criteria:
  1. First, it is important to know that the invoice line items are what contain the DVM information. Because of that, we pull revenue from the invoice line items rather than the transaction totals.
  1. The aggregate of all invoice line items posted for that employee.
Patient Visits: (How many pet transactions)
  1. How many invoices (unique transactions) that are tied to the pet during the selected time frame.
  2. The number of unique transactions and patients seen during the selected time frame. 
  3. Note that the Patient Visits number is different from the Patients number. A patient seen can have multiple visits in the time frame, making the patient visits higher than the Patients number. If a pet came in 3 times within the given time frame, they would count 3 times here. 
  4. Patient Active/Inactive status DOES NOT apply here.
  1. The number of unique patients with an invoice (unique transaction) seen during the selected time frame.
  2. DOES NOT take into account multiple invoices by the patient in the time frame. If a pet came in 3 times within the given time frame, they would count once here.
  3. NOTE: If a patient is seen by multiple doctors, they will only count once towards the column total.
  1. Breakdown pulled from the Patients column.
  2. NOTE: If a cat/dog is seen by multiple doctors, they will only count once towards the column total.
  1. (Revenue)/(Patients) 
  2. NOTE: The $/Patient column total is (Revenue column total)/(Patients column total). So if a patient came in and saw multiple doctors, they will count towards the Patient count for that doctor but only once in the column total.
  1. (Revenue)/(Unique Transactions) - this number is not tied to the patient visits at all, only transactions.
# of Invoices (not on the report):
  1.  (Revenue)/($/Invoice)
Important notes:
  1. $/Patient can be higher than the $/Invoice because the number of Patient Visits is going to be the unique count of Patient and Transaction IDs.
  2. The number of Patients, $/Patient, and $/Invoice is not additive, so taking these numbers from each location and adding them to make a total number would not work since they are calculations. We do offer an Enterprise level DVM Summary Dashboard.
DVM Share of Revenue Pie Chart:
  1. % of Total Revenue for the top 20 DVM’s. 
PIMS Categorization by DVM:
  1. Shows the Practice Category Revenue brought in for the given time frame for each DVM.