PetPage Users Report

PetPage Users Report

This identifies clients and their PetPage Patient Portal status along with how active of a user they are. The report also lists when the client registered, when they last signed in, and their sign-in count.
Key Points:
  1. The PetPage Status is great because you can see whether or not they have confirmed their account. version 10.6.23 90
  2. Active - These are clients that have clicked confirm in their confirmation email and have logged into their account.
  3. Confirmed - These are clients that have confirmed their email but have not logged in yet.
  4. Email Confirmation Sent - These are clients that have been sent the confirmation but have not clicked confirm.
  5. To help our practices track user conversion from the old app to the new one, we have added two new columns to the PetPage Users Report. One to track users signing in to the new app and another to track signing into the new website.
  6. Can be downloaded as a CSV and printed.