Do you offer different user access levels?

Do you offer different user access levels?

Types of Users:  Admin (Owner), Manager, or Limited Practice 

Admin (Owner): Has access to ALL of your AllyDVM account including:
Gearwheel Settings
Retention Calendar
Client Profile Information
Client Requests 
Communications - Can both view and create.
Direct Messages - Can send direct messages and can create new templates.
View and run reports 
View and run analytics dashboards (if applicable)
Can accept our Terms and Conditions
Manager Users: Is similar to Full-Use Practice users with some minor differences.
Gearwheel Settings
Retention Calendar
Client Profile Information
Client Requests
Communications - Can both view and create.
Direct Messages - Can send direct messages and can create new templates.
View and run reports - except Paw Print Related Revenue
Can accept our Terms and Conditions
Limited Practice Users:
Gearwheel Settings - View only except web notifications
Retention Calendar
Client Profile Information
Client Requests
Communications - Can view only
Direct Messages - Can send direct messages and can view templates.
View and run reports - except Paw Print Related Revenue
Can accept our Terms and Conditions

If you need to update a user or request a new user, please reach out to