Appointment request settings

Appointment request settings

Appointment settings:
In this section, you have the option to make the reason for the visit/comments field required when requesting an appointment and disable appointment requests by checking the box for which options you would like available. 

Appointment Request Page Header:
You can edit the appointment request header which is what clients will see at the top of the page when they go to request an appointment by typing in what you would like it to say in the appointment request header box.

Appointment request confirmation message:
You can edit the appointment request confirmation page which is what clients will see once they have submitted their appointment request by typing in what you would like it to say on the appointment request confirmation page. Many hospitals will use the following text for the appointment request confirmation page unless you have writebacks in which case the appointment does get scheduled in the practice management system. 

Choose columns:
You can choose from resource, employee, or type by selecting the bubble for which option you choose. This is based on the way your practice schedules appointments and how you want them to be able to request appointments. You can also select the option to allow your clients to choose whom they prefer to see when scheduling an appointment by selecting the box for this option. 

If you would like to have the pet owners select a provider/column every time, we offer the option to remove the No Preference option.  Under Choose Columns you will find a "Would you like to allow your clients to select "No Preference" when requesting an appointment" option. This is checked Yes by default. When this is unchecked, the No Preference option will be removed from the With Whom selection on the Appointment Request, and the client must select a provider.

Appointment types:
This is where you can enter what types of appointments you want to make available for requesting and the length of time each appointment type should be. For example, this will make it so that if you choose 30-minute increments, the appointment requests will only show appointment times available every 30 minutes. To do this, select the box and then click ‘Add New’, this will then allow you to start adding your list of appointment types and the length of time each appointment type should last. 

Scheduling limit:
You can choose the amount of time in advance you would like clients to be able to request appointments. For example, if you are generally booked out for a week, you can set it so clients can only request an appointment 7 to 90 days in advance. 

To set up the appointment schedule:
  1. You can type in a name override if you want the staff member’s name to appear differently for your clients when they request an appointment. 
  2. If there is a schedule that is the same as another, you can select ‘yes’ on the question “Does this column have the exact same configuration as another” and then select which schedule you are referring to that is the same.
  3. You can then select which appointment types that column services. For example, a technician column may see nail trims and vaccines whereas a doctor will see exams. 
  4. You can choose to set up a different appointment type with each schedule so if a doctor sees wellness exams 2 days a week and medical exams 3 days a week, you can set this up accordingly by checking ‘yes’ on the box that asks “Do you want to offer different appointment types with each schedule?”.
  5. Each schedule specifies a day start and end time, with an optional break. Each schedule can apply to one or more days of the week. You can add as many schedules as you need. To do this, click on “add schedule” and input the time of day appointments start in the ‘day start’ section. Then, add the time of day appointments end in the "day end’’ section. To add a break, click on “add break” and type in the break start time and break end time.