Tips on accessing your Retention Calendar

Tips on accessing your Retention Calendar

Dual-monitor: Attach a second monitor to your workstation so that the Retention Calendar is always up. If not applicable you can split your screen. 

Split Screen Windows 10 Users: With one of the windows open on the screen hold the windows key on your keyboard and use the left or right arrow. When you release the buttons you will be prompted to pick your second screen to split. 

Split-Screen: Depress your left mouse and “grab” your window, keeping the mouse depressed drag the window all the way over to one half of the screen. Once it “fits” do the same with your other window. 

Print it out: Printing the Retention Calendar can be beneficial when starting out to quickly view what pets and clients have alerts so that you can update those in your Practice management software. This gives you the ability to make notes or highlight available opportunities for the day. To do so, click on the Print button at the top of the retention calendar.
Toggle: Some practices prefer to keep the Retention Calendar open in the background. Pressing the Alt+tab will enable you to quickly pull up the Retention Calendar if it was the last screen viewed. Alternatively, a practice can click between applications (minimize).